
Showing posts from May, 2017

Selfie Camp 2017

Selfie - Self Improvement and Empowerment A 3 day residential camp at Chinmaya Gardens, Coimbatore. The camp Acharyas were Arunachalam and Priya Arunachalam. 40 chyks attended the Camp and enjoyed temple visits, nature hunt and adventurous games. Classroom sessions on SSS - Simple Steps for Success based on Bhagavad Gita gave a different perspective for Chyksters to reach their goals. Along with enjoying the satvic ashram environment, children also learnt soft skills through various team building activities like debate and roleplay. The camp gave the Chyksters a holistic view to set a goal and reach it in the most feasible way.

Testimonial - Radhika

CORD USA Service Visit to Thamaraipakkam - Dec 2014 The trip was about more than giving to the rural community; the trip gave us the empowerment to start making a change in the world and think about how we can better our surroundings. I made friends that I'll never forget and I've learned important lessons that I'll value all throughout my life

Testimonial - Raghunathan

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) beneficiary I was diagnosed with severe muscular dystrophy at the age of 15 and was confined to my home. CORD identified and nurtured my artistic talents. With the money I earned from my paintings, my family was able to build a toilet. I feel very good about my contribution to my family members who serve me

Testimonial - Prabhakaran

Farmers' club member Before CORD, I was unaware of the government subsidies for farming and did not know any resources who could guide me in agriculture. Now I am member of ATMA, Farmers’ Cooperative Society, registered with NABARD and linked well with agriculture and horticulture departments. The knowledge that I have gained through CORD helped me increase my yield and I am very happy & grateful for the same. 

Testimonial - Chitra

Mahila mandal member Since I joined the MM I have learnt many skills like making incense, pain balm, jewelry and snacks and these add to my income. From being a shy woman, I have grown to a leader of my Mahila Mandal, not hesitant to meet with officials and express the needs of our community

Testimonial - Devaki & Sudha

Mahila mandal members Earlier we did not know women could attend gram sabha meetings. With collective effort, much persuasion and repeated visits to the local Panchayat & Police, we were able to get a toilet built and obtain security from the police around the school so our girl children can go to school safely.

Cool Camp 2017

Camp dates - May 2,3,4 Theme - iTransform, based on TITI - Transforming Indians to Transform India The 11th cool camp at Chinmaya Sarveshvara was attended by 250 participants from around 20 villages. Children were taught about Indian Culture, Inspirational personalities and awakening facts about India. Also the kids were taught Yoga. Games and creativity sections kindled their thinking process and increased the spirit of team work. In addition to the "7 level transformation" sessions by Acharyas Arunachalam and Priya Arunachalam, the chyksters engaged the students in various activities like bhajans, discussion based on video clippings, classroom sessions, games, etc. On the whole - it is a fulfilling experience for the children as well as the volunteers. Special thanks to the donors who supported the transportation of the children from far away villages and also for providing healthy yummy snacks.